Instructions and recommended products
I recommend to purchase products before the appointment so you do not need to stop after
Aftercare instructions
Keep Clean, Moisturize as Needed, Do Not Pick or Scratch
Approximately 2 weeks of washing and moisturizing roughly 3 times per day. Wear loose fitting clothing, especially as the tattoo begins to flake and peel. No sunlight or soaking.
Leave Bandage on for at Least 1 Hour
Remove bandages at home after at least one hour. Do not re-bandage. Clean thoroughly directly after removing the bandage. Bandage can stay on for several hours if you are not in a position to cleanly remove it. In most cases, You can leave the bandage on overnight if preffered.
Clean with Unscented Antibacterial Soap (Dial Gold, clear softsoap, etc.)
Clean for the first time directly after removing the bandage. Repeat cleaning 2-4 times per day for at least 2 weeks. Use a decent amount of pressure to massage soap into the tattoo. Lighten pressure as the tattoo begins to flake and peel to reduce the chance of peeling flakes off prematurely. Pat dry with a clean towel or paper towel and let air dry. Clean directly after any activity that may expose the tattoo to bacteria (sweat, Dirt, Etc.)
Moisturize with Thick Moisturizer(~1st week) and thin Moisturizer (2nd week)
After washing the tattoo thoroughly and drying with a clean towel or paper towel, let it air dry for about 15 minutes before applying moisturizer
FOr first ~5 days apply a thin layer of THick moisturizer (Aquaphor or Aquaphor spray) and rub into tattoo well
Once the tattoo begins to flake and peel, switch to an unscented white lotion to reduce the possibility of removing flakes prematurely.
It is definitely possible to over moisturize. Moisturize when it feels like it needs it and use a very small amount. Especially with the aquaphor, sometimes it is necessary to wipe off excess after it has been on your skin for a few minutes. Approximately 2-3 times per day for 2-4 weeks.
No Soaking, No Sun
No baths, pools, or bodies of water for 2 weeks. Showers are okay, feel free to take soap into the shower to clean. Keep out of direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks and use sunscreen to protect your tattoo after that.
Scabbing, Peeling, and Flaking is Normal
Especially if this is your first tattoo, do not be frightened. After about a week the tattoo will look very weird and begin to scab, flake, and peel. Allow flakes to fall off on their own. You will likely find that the tattoo is itchy while healing. It is important to not pick or scratch.
You may also notice the tattoo has a raised and/or shimmery appearance to it. This is also normal and sometimes can take several months to return to a normal skin appearance. You need to take proper aftercare of your tattoo for at least 2 weeks but it may take several months to completely heal.
The Better That You Take Care of Your Tattoo, The Better It Will Look When It Is Healed.
Please Give it the Respect that it Deserves.
Recommended Products
I recomend a total of 3 products:
An antibacterial Soap
A thick Moisturizer
and a thin Moisturizer